A kick-off workshop for the 9th EIG CONCERT-Japan call on Design of Materials with Atomic Precision was organized by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) and the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) and generously hosted by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) in Warsaw on October 16, 2023.
The workshop was chaired by Prof. Magdalena Bendová (UCT Prague) and featured the participation of more than 30 project researchers, Scientific Committee members and funding agency officers.
The workshop presented an opportunity for the researchers to give presentations on their research projects, articulate key goals and highlight potential challenges. The six research teams presented their work and answered questions from other participants for about 15 minutes per team, which formed the basis for a lively discussion, exchange of ideas and consideration for further collaboration.
After the workshop, the Polish FerroFluid project team led participants on a visit to the Biological and Chemical Research Centre (CNBCh) and the Faculty of Chemistry at the Ochota campus of the University of Warsaw.
The research teams will meet again in 2024 for a midterm workshop. On this occasion, each team will have the opportunity to share the progress of its work.