A proactive Social-based framework for SMART transportation

© EIG Concert Japan
  • Assoc. Prof. Shoko Wakamiya - Nara Institute of Science and Technology - Japan
  • Assoc. Prof. Attila Kertesz - University of Szeged - Hungary
  • Prof. Ismail Karas - Karabuk University - Türkiye
  • Assoc. Prof. Teriitutea Quesnot - University of Western Brittany - France
  • Prof. Christophe Claramunt - Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology - Japan
  • Assist. Prof. Wan-Jou She - Kyoto Institute of Technology - Japan

The successful design and development of sustainable transportation solutions is a well-expected purpose of decarbonisation processes. The objective of this project is to co-design with stakeholders at large, on an infrastructure that encompasses innovative cloud computing, proactive social data and spatial web framework that leverages current transportation services; from the coordination of bus timetables to the promotion of ride-sharing facilities.

The main objective is to take advantage of existing public transportation resources and ride-sharing opportunities and to integrate them into a proactive computing environment that will facilitate public access to these services as well as optimization for the different categories of stakeholders. Not only does the framework act as a dynamic solution to the inference and suggestion of collaborative transportation, but also enables incentives to do so. For local authorities, the solution will serve as a dynamic environment to monitor and optimise transportation patterns that emerge at the local and regional scales.

The project will first experiment in the context of the urban areas of the Onna-Ishikawa area of the island of Okinawa which is currently under severe environmental pressure due to heavy transportation flows due to tourism and resident activities, and a lack of coordination of current resources. The project involves a well-defined Japanese-EU consortium that brings complementary expertise, a key factor at all stages of the development of the project that will involve stakeholders and citizens from the very start. The aim is to promote a transformative process that encompasses a social and smart community involved in the development of sustainable transportation services.

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